HighLevel vs Kartra

Discover why 60,000+ agencies and 1.2M+ small businesses choose HighLevel.

HighLevel vs Kartra

See how we’ve helped 16,000+ agencies generate over 622 million leads on HighLevel.

G2 rating 4.3

In 2022, agencies in SaaS Mode generated over

$96M in revenue!

4.5 Capterra rating

Why Choose HighLevel Over Kartra?

An All-in-One Platform

Kartra is a great platform if you are a niche brand that needs landing pages, a few email campaigns, and a membership portal. However, most agencies need more.  With HighLevel, you get a full suite of CRM, sales pipeline, and marketing automation features. Plus, you don’t have to worry about any lead / subscriber limits! 

Gain Full Visibility Over Your Sales Pipeline

Get a bird’s-eye view of every lead, deal, landing page, sales funnel, and email campaign. Reduce the number of leads stuck in limbo with features like automated email, SMS, and Messenger messages, along with call-tracking capabilities. 

Get 2-Way SMS Capabilities

Communicate with leads and clients with 2-way SMS features in HighLevel - in addition to being able to communicate by email, Messenger, and phone.  

Get 2-way SMS capabilities

Communicate with leads and clients with 2-way SMS features in HighLevel - in addition to being able to communicate by email, Messenger, and phone.  

Be Up and Running in No Time

Say goodbye to a lengthy migration process and training that takes months. HighLevel offers a robust UI that is just as intuitive as it is user-friendly, with helpful workflows and automations to speed up daily tasks.

Support When You Need it, Not When it's Convenient

HighLevel boasts 24/7, multichannel support via live-chat, email, and phone when you need it.

Support when you need it, not when it's convenient

HighLevel boasts 24/7, multichannel support via live-chat, email, and phone when you need it.

What A Former Kartra Customer Said After Switching To HighLevel

“I used Kartra for 2 years and wasn’t a huge fan due to its major shortcomings around landing pages, websites, memberships, price, and horrible lists and reporting. I could go on. HighLevel is 1000x better, easier to use, more control thru triggers, actions, campaigns etc.” 

-Jeff Weidner

The Real Opportunity For Digital Agencies & Entrepeneurs

With HighLevel, you get an all-in-one platform that your sales and marketing teams will love and has all of the following:

  • Lead, contact, and deal management for your sales team

  • Email marketing automation workflows and campaigns

  • Create and save dynamic content, content snippets, and email templates

  • Sales and marketing pipeline analytics, reports, and dashboards

  • A SaaS-like, white-label revenue stream without having to write any code!

  • All on an affordable platform ($297+ per month)

Ready to take your agency

to the next level?

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